Are you looking for Good Friday quotes, messages, and wishes to send to your friends and family?
Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday and is considered part of the Easter season. It is one of the important holidays celebrated by Christians all around the world.
Good Friday is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Great and Holy Friday, and Black Friday.
During the Easter Season, it is common to be distracted by the holiday activities such as shopping, decorating eggs, etc. It does not matter if you have a long to-do list, you should always take up some time for yourself and think about what is the purpose of Easter or what it teaches us. Some people attend church services on this day or some observe fasts.

So these Good Friday quotes and bible verses will help you to find out the importance of this holiday. Make it a habit to read bible verses and holy quotes on a daily basis as they will help you find positivity and peace of mind.
The date of Good Friday is not fixed as it varies from year to year. It is also a widely instituted legal holiday around the world which includes most of the Western countries including 12 U.S. states.
Here we are sharing a collection of Good Friday quotes, sayings, messages, and wishes for you to reflect on yourself on this holy day.
Good Friday Quotes
“It’s Friday… But Sunday’s coming.”
“It was my sin that nailed him there.”
“GOOD FRIDAY! The day death died.”
“Jesus went to the cross because God is holy and sin must be punished. Good Friday.”
“In truth, there was only one Christian and he died on the cross.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
“Remembering Good Friday. The son of man must suffer many things,… and be killed.”
“Life is a maybe, Death is for sure. Sin is the cause, Christ is the cure! Happy Good Friday!”
“Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”
“Mercy, peace, and love. May the grace and Lord surround and be with you on Good Friday.”
“Good Friday: Jesus will listen your all prayer this day. Wishing you a blessed Good Friday.”
Happy Good Friday Quotes And Bible Verses
“Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.” – Peter, 2: 24 (Bible Verse)
“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” – John 11:25-26 (Bible Verse)
“Behold the Lamb of God, that takes away the sin of the world.” – John 1:29 (Bible Verse)
“When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” – John 19:30 (Bible Verse)
He was wounded for our transgressions.” – Isaiah 53:5 (Bible Verse)
“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” – Psalm 31 (Bible Verse)
“For he taught his disciples, and said unto them, The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day.” – Mark 9:31 (Bible Verse)
“For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.” – Romans 6:14 (Bible Verse)
“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds, you have been healed.” – 1 Peter 2:24 (Bible Verse)
“Good Friday: I thank you for your unfailing love. Amen.”
Good Friday Quotes, Wishes, Messages
“The Passion of the Christ opened up on Ash Wednesday, had a Good Friday.” – Billy Crystal
“Unless there is a Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday.” – Fulton J. Sheen
“May your world be a beautiful place, on Good Friday, and always.”
“Good morning. Happy Good Friday everyone. Have a blessed day!”
“There is no Easter without a Good Friday.” – Matthew Fox
“Good Friday: Light conquered darkness and goodness conquered sin.”
“It is the resurrection that makes Good Friday good.” – Ravi Zacharias
“I believe in person to person. Every person is Christ to me, and since there is only one Jesus, that person is the one person in the world at that moment.” – Mother Teresa
“He knew the price of those sins was death. He knew the source of those sins was you and since he couldn’t bear the thought of eternity without you, he chose the nails.”
“Good Friday marks the slaying of our Jesus. The unblemished lamb, the perfect sacrifice. He took our guilt and blame upon Himself so we could be with Him in paradise.”
Good Friday Quotes And Images
“To holy people the very name of Jesus is a name to feed upon, a name to transport. His name can raise the dead and transfigure and beautify the living.” – John Henry Newman
“Every day of the year is a good day to think more deeply about Good Friday, for Good Friday is the drama of the love by which our every day is sustained.” – Richard John Neuhaus
“Death is the justification of all the ways of the Christian, the last end of all his sacrifices, the touch of the Great Master which completes the picture.” – Madame Anne Sophie Swetchine
“This is the center of the gospel – this is what the Garden of Gethsemane and Good Friday is all about – that God has done astonishing and costly things to draw us near.” – John Piper
“We are Easter people living in a Good Friday world.” – Barbara Johnson
“The symbol of the religion of Jesus is the cross, not the scales.” – John Stott
“”I Love You” could not be said in a better way. Good Friday.”
“The surprise is that he so speaks and acts not only for those who take time on Good Friday to sit and listen and sing and pray and contemplate the depths of his passion.” – Brad Pohlman
“GOOD FRIDAY in my heart! Fear and affright My thoughts are the disciples when they fled. My words the words that priest and soldier said My deed the spear to desecrate the dead.”
“But do we not, moreover, every Good Friday, in various places, see great numbers of men and women whip themselves till they lacerate and cut the flesh to the very bones.” – Matt Burriesci
Good Friday Quotes And Blessings
“Catholics often choose Good Friday-which is a day of fast-to strengthen their faith, to repent for their wrongdoings and to forgive those who have wronged them.” – Fr Alvito Fernandes
“Good Friday is a contraction derived from what was originally called ‘God’s Friday.’” – Deland Scott Anderson
“He showed us the way. He has long been gone. And yet in our hearts His name shines on. Wish u a Holy Friday!”
“May your faith in the God, bring peace to your heart, this Good Friday and always. Have a blessed Good Friday!”
“The lesson of Good Friday is to never lose hope – or at least give it 48 hours.” – Robert Breault
“No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.” – William Penn
“To discuss one is to examine all, and we select for this purpose that day, on which, it is reputed, the founder of our holy religion was crucified, commonly called Good Friday.” – Robert Robinson
“It was not nails that held Jesus to that wretched cross; it was his unqualified resolution, out of love for his Father, to do his Father’s will—and it was his love for sinners like me.” – D.A. Carson
“Good Friday was when the Good was crucified but then on Easter, the Good arose back… So wait to realize that be it God or be it human the good never perishes it rises above.” – Amit Abraham
“The fast on which the primitive church seems to have laid the greatest stress, and which till of late years has been usually observed with great seriousness, is that of Good Friday.” – Beilby Porteus
Holy Friday Quotes
“We may say that on the first Good Friday afternoon was completed that great act by which light conquered darkness and goodness conquered sin. That is the wonder of our Saviour’s crucifixion.”
“The cross was two pieces of dead wood; and a helpless, unresisting Man was nailed to it; yet it was mightier than the world, and triumphed, and will ever triumph over it.” – Augustus William Hare
“Good Friday is a day of sorrow mingled with joy. It is a time to grieve over the sin of man and to meditate and rejoice upon God’s love in giving His only Son for the redemption of sin.” – David Katski
“Stoning prophets and erecting churches to their memory afterward has been the way of the world through the ages. Today we worship Christ, but the Christ in the flesh we crucified.” – Mahatma Gandhi
“Good Friday Blessings: But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes, we are healed. Have a blessed day!”
“Thinking of you on Good Friday and praying that the Lord keeps you in his loving care always.”
“Good Friday, a day to pause and reflect on God’s amazing grace.”
“May the loving-kindness of the highest God be with you as you take the time to reverence his name this Good Friday.”
“Speculative Good Friday is the celebration of the self-sundering of reason in history.” – Deland Scott Anderson
“Blessings to all on the Good Friday. We are served not by what we do but by what Christ has done. It is finished.”
Happy Good Friday Quotes
“On this Good Friday may we never forget the true meaning of Easter – For when He was on the cross, I was on His mind.”
“Start this Good Friday with prayers and fasting so that we can earn God’s mercy and forgiveness.”
“Very thankful for the many blessings the Lord has given me…Love you Lord. Happy Good Friday.”
“It was inevitable that Jesus Christ should be crucified. It was also inevitable that He should rise again.” – H. R. L. Sheppard
“Good Friday. Way of the Cross. Fasting and abstinence. Examine conscience. Have a really blessed day.” – Nevez Rhanny
“At Sussen, the Devil carried off, last Good Friday, three grooms who had devoted themselves to him.” – Martin Luther
“Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone but in every leaf in springtime.” – Martin Luther
“I am the witness to his fearless death. I am a token of his last promise Forgiveness I am the cross. Blessings on Good Friday.”
“On the eve of the cross, Jesus made his decision. He would rather go to hell for you than go to heaven without you.” – Max Lucado
“May the blessings of the Lord shine upon you on this holy day and may he always keep in his loving care. Happy Good Friday.”
Good Friday Quotes From Bible
“May your faith in God, bring peace to your heart and new hope in your life. May God always bless you. Have a blessed Good Friday!”
“He bore it all in silence because He held us dear. may He receive our regards. May our prayers he hear… Celebrate Good Friday!”
“On this holy day, may his light guide your path, may his love grace your heart and may his sacrifice strengthen your soul! Good Friday”
“Praying that the Lord blesses your heart with peace, holds you in his love and bestows upon you his grace on this holy day and always.”
“Good Friday is good because it reminds us that the good is often painful; that God’s will for our lives demands that we love until it hurts.”
“God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you.’” – Billy Graham
“When Good Friday comes, these are the moments in life when we feel there’s no hope. But then, Easter comes.” – Coretta Scott King
“May the sacrifice of our Saviour be the inspiration for you to go forward and follow the light of redemption. Have a blissful Good Friday!”
“Maybe the Good Friday story is about how God would rather die than be in our sin-accounting business anymore.” – Nadia Bolz-Weber
“Practice mercy and forgiveness throughout as a lesson that symbolizes the love shown through his crucifixion.” – Unarine Ramaru
Blessed Good Friday Quotes
“Love, not anger, brought Jesus to the cross. Golgotha came as a result of God’s great desire to forgive, not his reluctance.” – Richard J. Foster
“Neither Good Friday, nor any other fasts or feasts, were appointed to be observed by the Lord Jesus Christ, or his apostle.” – Robert Robinson
“May on this Good Friday we start it with fasting and prayers so that we can bring God’s mercy and forgiveness on all mankind. Let’s pray together.”
“Today we remember God’s great love for us. May this day bring new meaning and change in your life! Wishing all Christians a blessed Good Friday.”
“The word “Christianity” is already a misunderstanding – in reality there has been only one Christian, and he died on the Cross.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
“When u face problems in life, don’t ask GOD to take them away. Ask Him to show His purpose, Ask ways how to live a day searching his purpose for you.”
“We do not attach any intrinsic value to the Cross; this would be sinful and idolatrous. Our veneration is referred to Him who died upon it. Good Friday!”
“The cross is the victory, the resurrection is the triumph…The resurrection is the public display of the victory, the triumph of the crucified one.” – Leon Morris
“The miracle of Good Friday is that there was no miracle. Legions of angels stood – with swords sheathed – watching as the Son took our place.” – Mark Hart
“When Satan attacks you, command him in the Name of Jesus to bend his neck. On the back of it you’ll find there’s a nail scarred foot print.” – E. Stanley Jones
Funny Blessed Good Friday Quotes
“The cross is not the terrible end to an otherwise god fearing and happy life, but it meets us at the beginning of our communion with Christ.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“By the cross we, too, are crucified with Christ; but alive in Christ. We are no more rebels, but servants; no more servants, but sons!” – Frederic William Farrar
“The Cross was the manifestation of Divine love without reserve or limit; but it was also the expression of man’s unutterable malignity.” – Sir Robert Anderson
“May the good Friday bring peace and prosperity in your own life. May the holy spirit shield you from any threat. The Lord lights your way up now and always.”
“Good Friday liberates through the Cross. A human being named Jesus went on before us and stepped across that big boundary line called death.” – Eric W. Gritsch
“The Cross! There, and there only though the deist rave, and the atheist, if Earth bears so base a slave; There and there only, is the power to save.” – William Cowper
“Now, who can call ‘Good Friday’ good? – A term too oft-misunderstood – You, who were bought by the blood of His cross, You can call ‘Good Friday’ good.” – Johnny Hart
“GOOD FRIDAY! The marvel of heaven and earth, of time and eternity, is the atoning death of Jesus Christ. This is the mystery that brings more glory to God than all.”
“Our old history ends with the cross; our new history begins with the resurrection.” – Watchman Nee
“Holy Week is a good occasion to go to confession and to take up the right path again.” – Pope Francis
Best Happy Good Friday Quotes And Sayings
“A life He sacrificed means a new life and hope for us. He is our Savior and forever He will be with us!”
“Good Friday, a day for some to remember our savior who died on the cross for us.”
“The sin of the Serpent has been changed. The sin has been stepped upon by Good Friday.” – Eric W. Gritsch
“I asked Jesus, “How much you love me!” “This much” He answered. Then he stretched out his arms and died.”
“It’s finished! The hope of Easter begins.”
“He drained the cup of God’s wrath bone dry, leaving not a drop for us to drink.” – Richard Allen Bodey
“Good Friday is a Christian day commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary.”
“Christ has not only spoken to us by his life but has also spoken for us by his death.” – Soren Kierkegaard
“May the glory of our Savior strengthen you and may His graces shine upon you on Good Friday and always!”
“Nails didn’t hold Jesus to the cross. Love did.”
Did you enjoy reading these Good Friday quotes, wishes, and messages?
Good Friday is a holiday but also a holy day. It is the 6th day of the Holy Week, starting prior to Sunday famous as the Holy Sunday, and ends on the coming Sunday which is famous as the Easter Sunday. On this day, Jesus died on the cross willingly as a sacrifice for our sins.
Even though Good Friday is a day for mourning for Jesus who died for the sins of humans but it is also a day to reflect, forgive and be grateful because that’s what Jesus taught us. Jesus died for us because of our sins so that we could learn to live with love, and kindness and teach others to do the same.
We hope these Good Friday quotes, sayings, messages, wishes, and bible verses will make you feel better and help you to find your path.
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