Every day is a precious day but propose day is a great day to tell your partner how you feel about them. Express your feelings with Happy Propose Day Quotes Wishes to your partners and celebrate your life being in love.
We all know that sharing and expressing our feelings is not an easy task but it is important to express your love to the people you care about and have feelings for. If you have been waiting for too long to express your love, this is the perfect time to reveal what you feel with Happy Propose Day Quotes Wishes on this Propose Day.

Propose Day is the second day of valentine’s week and is celebrated on 8th February. As the name suggests, propose day is all about expressing your feelings to the person you love, to the person who really matters to you. Whether you want to ask for marriage or just simply express what you feel, you can do it on propose day.
To share what you feel for them, do something extra to make them feel special and to show how much they mean to you. But don’t overdo anything. Before planning for something big, know about your partner’s likes and dislikes and how will they feel about it.
If they don’t like PDA, stay away from that. Some people like their privacy. And you don’t want to hurt their feelings. You can also look for other things to express your feelings and sweep your love of his/her feet.
To help you with that we are sharing a collection of Happy Propose Day Quotes Wishes on this valentine week.
Happy Propose Day Quotes Wishes
Today was the day when I proposed to you, and you accepted me as your partner. From that very day, the propose day has become one of the best days of my life. Happy Propose Day to you, my lovely wife!
Happy propose day, to you my love! This day has become one of my favourites from the time you have said yes.
Do you know why I wish you propose day even now? Because this reminds me of the time when you nodded in ‘Yes’.
Only one person is made for every single to spend a lifetime. I got the same on the last year propose day. Happy Propose day and to our love anniversary, sweetheart!
The day I saw you I knew I would want to spend the rest of my life with you. Be mine forever baby?

From ups and downs to twist and turns, from Chinese and Italian to restaurants and street foods, Grow old with me baby?
As long as I wish to live in this world, I want to live it with you baby. Would you spend the rest of your life with me?
The day when you and me will finally turn into “we”. Proposing you was my dream, would you be mine forever darling?

What’s on the Menu? Me-n-U. You complete us, Will you be my valentine this Valentine’s? Happy Propose Day.
Expressing my love for you is difficult but trust me you are only one I need in my life. Would you be mine forever?

Happy Propose Day Quotes Wishes for Husband/Wife
I could have not thought of anyone other than you, you are my happy place. Would you give me this happiness forever?
You give me the kind of feelings that people write about in their novels. Be my happy ending?
I can’t think of spending a day without you. I love you, sweetheart. May we always remain together. Happy Propose Day!
Sweetheart, I want to hold you in my arms and tell you how much I love you. Happy Propose Day, babes!
When I saw you it was love at the first sight. So lucky to have you in my life. Happy Propose Day!

The biggest moment of my life was when I proposed to you and you said yes. Happy Propose Day!
All I wanted was someone who takes good care of me,
All I wanted was someone who’d always be there for me,
All I wanted was someone who would never lie,
And look I found You!
Happy Propose Day!
You have given a new meaning to my life sweetheart. Today I propose to you to be mine always. Happy Propose Day!

Every moment without you seems like ages. May we never part sweetheart. Happy Propose Day!
As days go by, my feelings get stronger,
To be in your arms, I can’t wait any longer.
Look into my eyes and you will see that it’s true,
Day and night my thought are for you..
Happy Propose Day!

Happy Propose Day Quotes Wishes for Girlfriend/Boyfriend
Today I profess my love for you from the bottom of my heart. Always be mine. Happy Propose Day, sweetheart
I do not know what life would have been if it was not for you. It is you who have filled my life with light. Happy Propose Day!
Today I kneel down in front of the most beautiful woman in the world and make a proposal. Would you be mine forever? Happy Propose Day, sweetheart!
All I want is your company for the rest of my life. Happy Propose Day!
Growing old with you will be the greatest gift that God can give me. Happy Propose Day!

All I have ever wanted from life is to always have you by my side. Happy propose Day!
I always lose control when you are by my side,
You have become the guiding light of my life.
I always enjoy the time I spend with you,
I think I’m falling in love with you.
Happy Propose Day!
The world becomes so lifeless without you. Be mine forever. Happy Propose Day!

I love you, I miss you and I adore you. I want you in my life forever. Happy Propose Day!
You aren’t the one I want to stay with you are the one without whom I can’t stay. Happy Propose Day!!

Happy Propose Day Quotes for Him/Her
What will happen if I stole your heart and you stole mine? Happy Propose Day!!
I want to say that I have fallen in love with you so deeply. Will you be mine? Happy Propose Day!
You came into my life and turned it into a blissful. Love you. Happy Propose Day!!
Remembering the time when you hold my hand and said those magical words. Happy Propose Day hubby!!
No poems, no fancy words.
I just want the world to know that
I LOVE YOU my handsome with all my heart.
Happy Propose Day.

I have no words to define my love for you.. all I can say is. Will you marry me? Happy Propose Day!
If I hold your hand and take you to a wonderful land, will you come with me? Happy Propose Day!!
Happy Propose Day wifey.. Love you now and forever.

My eyes are eagerly waiting to see you near me forever. Will you be mine? Happy Propose Day!
Happy Propose Day to the only girl I want to be with today, tomorrow, and forever. Love you!
All I want in life is to be with you… Will you be mine forever and ever? Happy Propose Day!

Happy Propose Day Quotes Wishes for Girlfriend/Boyfriend
I don’t know from when I started loving you! Today I’m expressing my feelings and want your answer. I love you!
You mean the life to me and I don’t want my life to go out of me. Will you marry me?
Together we make a great couple, please join me in my wedding as my partner. Love you.
The Bells are ringing in my heart and my mind is out of control. Say it, if ur feeling the same or I take backdoor.
On this propose day, I confess I love you the most my girl, will you be my partner for my whole life?

You have beauty, I have the brain. The combination of beauty and brain is the deadly one. Let’s make it.
Every beauty deserves a praiser. Plz allow me to become your praiser for the lifetime
Whenever I look into your eyes, I fell deep into it. Love you my sweetheart tell me if you will become my partner?
You have made me understand love’s definition. Let’s get together and make the world fall in love.
I want to hold your hand and say I love you and want to marry you? Plz, accept my proposal.

Happy Propose Day Wishes, Greetings, and Messages
Happy propose day my love. I love you a lot and I want to marry you, will you?
Proposing you for marriage was in mind for a long time, but I was waiting for this day. Will you?
I like you and I am liking you from the first day of college. Will you be my love?
Can we extend our friendship to a new level? Will you be my girlfriend and share life with me?
I remember ur expression when I proposed you to become my GF. I want to see the same expression again. So will you marry me?

Will you marry me my love? Let’s give a new definition to our relationship and make it eternal.
I have decided, I want to spend all my live you, holding hands, dreaming together, and shaping the future.
Now I realize my heart can safely stay in your heart! Plz accept my proposal to be mine forever.
In this propose day, I want to know do you love me? Plz don’t say no, I will die.
If you don’t want to be blamed for the death of a cute boy, then accept my proposal and become my girlfriend.

Happy Propose Day Status and Captions
You are the one without whom I cannot think of living. Please accept my proposal and become mine forever.
Just like food and water, you are also the basic necessity of my life. I want to make you my partner forever, please say yes!
When we are together, the world jealous. But, when we are apart our heart burn. so let’s be together for whole life.
We are so perfect together that we have started complementing each other. I love you sweetheart!
Its been 10 years of our marriage, still I feel I should get married to you one more time. Will you marry me?

Our bonding is so strong that even marriage failed to break it. Love you and love me always.
We are no longer a couple, still, I would not stop proposing you as I love to see your expression. I love you, do you love me?
On this propose day I would like to ask you only one question, what shall I do to make you my life partner?
I have dedicated my childhood to my parents and I want to dedicate my young age to you and be with you always.
If I will ask you to spend some time with me, would you hold my hand and say yes I am coming!

Valentine Week Happy Propose Day Quotes
I never believed in love at first sight until I saw you. Now my heart yearns for you every moment! Will you be mine?
You started a fire in my heart and a storm in my mind. Only you can put an end to my agony now! Be mine forever!
I feel a connection with you in my heart. Let’s connect our life together forever. Happy Propose Day to you gorgeous!
You’re perfect just the way you are. You’re beautiful and unique in your own way. Let’s shape our future together because we complete each other!
This propose day, I want to express my heart to you. Will you accept my love, baby?

The day I first saw you, I fell in love with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you accept me as your life partner?
Thanks for always being there for me. I want to keep you by my side forever. Please accept me and my love!
I know it might be sudden for you, but I had a big crush on you for a long time. So, this propose day, I am taking the courage to propose to you. Will you be mine?
You keep coming back to my dreams every night. You’re always on my mind and I want you to know that I’m dying to have you in my life forever.
I fell in love so often, but this is the only time I fell so deep in love. Now everywhere I look, I see only you. Will you be mine?

What Are Your Favorites Happy Propose Day Quotes Wishes?
We hope that these Happy Propose Day Quotes Wishes will help you to express your feelings to your girlfriend/boyfriend. Tell them what and how you feel and see the magic starts to begin.
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