If you love rap music and are a big fan of his songs then these Kevin Gates quotes are for you.
Kevin Jerome Gilyard, who is famous for his stage name as ‘Kevin Gates’, is an American rapper, singer, and entrepreneur. He has released many albums and mixtapes, but he is best known for his mixtape Stranger Than Fiction, By Any Means, and Luca Brasi 2.

He was born on February 5, 1986, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana to a Puerto Rican mother and an African American father. In his youth, he was very competitive in sports, such as basketball and baseball. When he was 14-years-old he began to write rap lyrics and began his career in the year 2005.
His debut album Islah which was released in January 2016 peaked at number 2 on the US Billboard 200 chart.
In October 2015, Gates married his longtime girlfriend Dreka Haynes with whom he has two children Islah and Khaza.
Along with a successful career as a musician, Gates had faced a lot of legal issues and continues to do so. He has been in and out of prison multiple times. Gates had a tumultuous upbringing and he was firstly arrested at the age of 13 for joyriding in a stolen vehicle as a passenger.
But despite having a difficult childhood and the controversies he is facing in life, Gates chose to shine and use his power to become a successful rapper in the American music industry.
Kevin Gates has a net worth of $1 million as of 2021.
Here we are sharing a collection of Kevin Gates motivational quotes about love, life, loyalty for you to learn and make yourself stronger.
Kevin Gates Quotes
“Don’t get mad at me for being the best of what I was created to be.” – Kevin Gates
“I don’t sleep much. I don’t sleep much – I work, I work, I work.” – Kevin Gates
“Never break or fold, that’s what it takes to be major.” – Kevin Gates
“I love God, I love everybody else around me as myself, and I love my enemy.” – Kevin Gates
“I always wanted a family.” – Kevin Gates
“Fall in love fast, make sure I handle it delicately.” – Kevin Gates
“If you get separated from the person you love, then you may be faced with loneliness. Then the feelings you will experience will change you completely.” – Kevin Gates
“It is illegal to steal my feelings and leave.” – Kevin Gates
“I love to make music, I love to get tattoos…That’s just what I love. If I wasn’t getting paid I’d still do it.”– Kevin Gates
“You can’t make everybody else happy and still stay on top.” – Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Quotes About Love
“To be honest I am not looking to be romantic, already got someone at home.” – Kevin Gates
“I don’t pay attention to sales because it’s not about that for me. It’s about the music. Music is all I have.” – Kevin Gates
“I suffer from deep depression, so my only release is music.” – Kevin Gates
“My life is a sacrifice but I don’t care for it. Because this sacrifice is for those who love me, it is not for me.” – Kevin Gates
“Loves a battlefield it’s not a one night stand.” – Kevin Gates
“Fall in love fast, make sure I handle it delicate” – Kevin Gates
“You have to be intimate with a person to know that person.” – Kevin Gates
“I like being with my family. That’s my party.” – Kevin Gates
“To inform, to improve, to make better, and I believe that’s what my first daughter did to me, so I named my first album after my first daughter.” – Kevin Gates
“I always had music growing up, but music was also like a journal. It was like my personal diary or personal journal. A lot of the things I couldn’t express to an individual, I would express them in my music.” – Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Quotes About Life
“I live by the ten percent rule. Save one, you save a thousand.” – Kevin Gates
“Knowledge is provided but only to those who need to know.” – Kevin Gates
“Wise men change, fools stay the same.” – Kevin Gates
“I’m successful and now they love me.” – Kevin Gates
“Without an understanding of bad…how can one truly have an appreciation of good.” – Kevin Gates
“A hot producer might not make a hot beat for me. I just love music.” – Kevin Gates
“I know I write a lot of my best music in the car, like late night. Three, four in the morning.” – Kevin Gates
“I’m inspired by everything that goes on around me. I’m a sponge. I’m very analytical. I notice the things that most people don’t notice.” – Kevin Gates
“I’m not afraid to make mistakes.” – Kevin Gates
“My daily conversation, it consists of hustle. Grinding from the bottom sick and tired of struggle.” – Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Quotes About Loyalty
“Jail and the streets go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other. They coincide.” – Kevin Gates
“I got 6 jobs I don’t get TIRED!” – Kevin Gates
“I experience great hurt, this hurt allows me to know I’m alive.” – Kevin Gates
“I was built for that pressure.” – Kevin Gates
“Music’s the most therapeutic thing for me. Because I suffer with depression, and it’s my only form of releasing it.” – Kevin Gates
“Music is all I have.” – Kevin Gates
“You can learn from a dummy. You can watch a dummy and learn what not to do. I’ve always been an observant individual. You don’t know how much you love something until you can’t do it. That’s one thing I can say that I learned. I learned how much I love music.” – Kevin Gates
“Prison was the best thing that ever happened to me.” – Kevin Gates
“Bein’ logical gave me a reason to doubt.” – Kevin Gates
“Breathing is so important with physical activity, then how much more important is it with psychological activity?” – Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Motivational Quotes
“If it matters to you, pursue it aggressively.” – Kevin Gates
“All things are obtained by Wisdom and Knowledge.” – Kevin Gates
“Some may consider this a problem, I easily fall in love.” – Kevin Gates
“Why accept failure when success is free?” – Kevin Gates
“I could care less about the particular. I like to make music.” – Kevin Gates
“Rap was more of a release for me, a journal.” – Kevin Gates
“Came from the bottom, we aim for the stars.” – Kevin Gates
“Use the things that make you angry — as fuel to make you better.” – Kevin Gates
“My music is incredible. I don’t know what to call it because I’ve yet to see an artist display the different talents I display or create the different genres that I have created; from the rock and roll to heavy metal to soft rock to rap to country. I display so many styles. That’s why they love me.” – Kevin Gates
“I’ve had good times and I’ve had bad times and I reminisce, maybe when I lay down, but throughout my day I keep myself engulfed in whatever moment I’m in because it could steer me into a depressed state.” – Kevin Gates
Best Kevin Gates Quotes And Lyrics
“Marriage is the most wonderful thing ever.” – Kevin Gates
“When you’re in prison, you want to know that you were thought about.” – Kevin Gates
“The ones that hate you most tend to be the people you know.” – Kevin Gates
“True wealth is not of the pocket, but of the heart and of the mind.” – Kevin Gates
“Anything lost, can be found again, except for time wasted.” – Kevin Gates
“I have respect for every man that demand your respect.” – Kevin Gates
“If you not in your own lane, create one.” – Kevin Gates
“Love is a battlefield, It ain’t a one night stand.” – Kevin Gates
“It’s about really really being who you are as an individual and not apologizing for it, that’s what it is. I can feel the growth from my first mixtape to now. On every song, I want to give you a piece of who I am as an individual.” – Kevin Gates
“She says I’m a dog, but it takes one to know one.” – Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Sayings And Song Lyrics
“I have respect for every man that demand your respect.” – Kevin Gates
“It’s the action, it’s the grind, it’s the hustle, it’s the persistence.” – Kevin Gates
“Is it okay to cry when you’re dying inside?” – Kevin Gates
“Don’t mimic pretenders, just be who you are.” – Kevin Gates
“A vision without action is merely a dream. Action, it’s the grind, it’s the hustle, it’s the persistence.” – Kevin Gates
“When you come up in the slums, having nothing make you humble.” – Kevin Gates
“I’m a bookworm. I know with my physical appearance that I don’t look like the typical reader. I’m in Barnes & Noble all the time, and you can look at people that look like they are supposed to be in there. I am in there, pants sagging, hat backwards.” – Kevin Gates
“If you not in your own lane, create one.” – Kevin Gates
“She says I’m a dog, but it takes one to know one.” – Kevin Gates
“I’m a perfect imperfection. My craft has been perfected. I just need affection, emotionally. I’m an introvert but it comes off as aggression” – Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Captions And Quotes About Tattoos
“I don’t really like talking. I like to execute. I’m not a talking person. I’m an action person.” – Kevin Gates
“When you come up in the slums, having nothin’ make you humble” – Kevin Gates
“When people say my name, I want them to feel a certain way, everybody walks around so numb. They’re not in touch. In the technological age, we become cold-hearted. I’m going to provoke you to feel. That’s what Islah does.” – Kevin Gates
“Wealth is not of the pocket. It’s of the heart. It’s of the mind. I live like that. You could give me a fish and feed more for a day, but if you teach me to fish, you’ve fed me forever. So that’s really my philosophy with it all.” – Kevin Gates
“When you got wisdom and knowledge you supposed to spread the world with some Soulja love.” – Kevin Gates
“I’m nowhere close to perfect, of this I’m sure, but God is!” – Kevin Gates
“The struggle is real, but it doesn’t last forever.” – Kevin Gates
“Icebox where my heart used to be. Eskimo city, no feelings, I’ma igloo.” – Kevin Gates
“Watch people daily and you will see their true colors.” – Kevin Gates
“Some’ll say life is a gamble, which means love is a casino. Everybody just playin’ to win.” – Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Inspirational Quotes
“I’ve always stood on my own toe. I don’t need a team. don’t do the entourage thing, 30 people. I Just not do that. That’s just not me.” – Kevin Gates
“Climbing forward, strivin’, I’m a grinder. Rearview watchin’ what’s behind you: Peripheral, watchin’ what’s on the side you.” – Kevin Gates
“When you level up your life will change. You will come across harder opponents and situations.” – Kevin Gates
“If I tell the truth about me, what can the world say? I’d love to be accepted, but I’m not seeking acceptance. If you are a fan, it’s because you’re a fan of who I am psychological, emotionally, and individually. The world can relate to a human being more than it can relate to a superstar.” – Kevin Gates
“Sometimes you have to let people bump their heads to realize that they are not making sense. Don’t try to figure them out or it will drive you crazy.” – Kevin Gates
“Anybody that’s borderline brilliant — they’re gonna suffer with depression. Cause you don’t see the world how other people see the world. You see it for what it is. You see it different.” – Kevin Gates
“Don’t stress over people who couldn’t give 2 pennies about you.” – Kevin Gates
“Everybody around you pretending that they are your partner, let you have a problem they won’t even help you out.” – Kevin Gates
“Having a musical outlet is a pure blessing to the ears of thousands of fans.” – Kevin Gates
“Inspiration comes from many things, and in the life of KG his music is just one of them.” – Kevin Gates
Relationship Kevin Gates Love Quotes
“I look at other people’s lives, and some people feel like they’re too old to play with toys. But I still go through the toy section at the store, ’cause there were toys that I wanted when I was little that I couldn’t have. So I still get them.” – Kevin Gates
“If you go back on your word..i won’t say anything but in my mind you punk for life.” – Kevin Gates
“I’m super serious about music. That’s, like, the only thing I’m serious about.” – Kevin Gates
“Sometimes the best move is no move.” – Kevin Gates
“Having love for your enemy is a hard thing to do, real talk.” – Kevin Gates
“Entertainment and the streets don’t go together.” – Kevin Gates
“You don’t have to like it but you gotta respect it.” – Kevin Gates
“I was always taught not to answer no questions. I’m not really good at answering them because I get agitated so fast.” – Kevin Gates
“I don’t get tired..what you tired of.” – Kevin Gates
“I’ve just always been a reader.” – Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Famous Quotes About Friends
“I love to be clean. I wear the same things, all of my clothes pretty much look the same. I’m a plain and simple type of guy. I don’t really do a lotta busy colors and things of that nature. I feel like less is more.” – Kevin Gates
“Life is about conduct and how we conduct ourselves. But two wrongs never make a right.” – Kevin Gates
“I’m not in the game for the wrong reasons. I’m not in the game for the glory. I’m in the game to survive so the people that I love could be straight. I’m a highly intelligent individual.” – Kevin Gates
“I married my best friend that happens to be a girl.” – Kevin Gates
“People will flip on you at the drop of a dime. Just be prepared so it doesn’t surprise you.” – Kevin Gates
“When trying to destroy you, they Destroy themselves in the process. Fuck em’ — work harder!” – Kevin Gates
“Disconnecting from one you love can be a lonely ordeal. The feelings you will experience will change you.” – Kevin Gates
“Sometimes yeah sometime I’m in my feelings.” – Kevin Gates
“I always knew who I was, and I always ran from my true purpose… I know what my job is. And I always ran from it.” – Kevin Gates
“I don’t want no handouts. I want to get it out the mud.” – Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Spiritual Quotes
“To be honest I am not lookin to be romantic, already got someone at home.” – Kevin gates
“Pray to god someone prays for me.” – Kevin gates
“Everytime the leaves are changing it’s the loneliest time of the year.” – Kevin gates
“Can you keep up with the lingo.” – Kevin gates
“If I told you I was different would you understand the difference?” – Kevin Gates
“I have trust issues with allowing other individuals to know my innermost secrets for fear of how I may be viewed. Everyone has this.” – Kevin Gates
“I’ve had mixtapes that have been better than albums I’ve heard from other artists. I take my time; I put my heart into it.” – Kevin Gates
“The only frustrating thing about jail is that I can’t make music.” – Kevin Gates
“Everybody round you pretendin that they your partner, let you have a problem they won’t even help you out.” – Kevin gates
“I never go into a situation with any type of expectations.” – Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Positive Quotes
“Don’t let nobody know that you a monster. Keep it on the tuck and then surprise ’em.” – Kevin Gates
“I believe that life is a journey and for me to tell you my plans; things never go according to plan.” – Kevin Gates
“I’m not made out of concrete. I’m a real person.”– Kevin Gates
“You learn fast or you die young.”– Kevin Gates
“I have respect for every man that demand your respect.” – Kevin Gates
“If you not in your own lane, create one.” – Kevin Gates
“She says I’m a dog, but it takes one to know one.” – Kevin Gates
“I like where we at now — but I’m in love with where we going.”– Kevin Gates
“When you follow your heart, you always win!” – Kevin Gates
“You gotta make this person fall in love with you again because they have no memory or recollection of who you were at that time. Because you’re a different person every time you come home, you grow.” – Kevin Gates
Kevin Gates Quotes From Songs
“You know everyday you grow, everyday you changin’.” – Kevin Gates
“I put my flaws on front street. So the world accepted my flaws, so I don’t have any flaws.” – Kevin Gates
“I don’t really like talking. I like to execute. I’m not a talking person. I’m an action person.” – Kevin Gates
“If you associate yourself with peer pressure or complacency, you’re destined for failure.” – Kevin Gates
“Learn from every time you ever fail.” – Kevin Gates
“Out my window.. I see everything I dream about and wished I had”– Kevin Gates
“The things that are most difficult for me to put into words and speak about, I put into my music. I’m just super passionate about my craft and super passionate about what I do.” – Kevin Gates
“When you stand for something, you’ve got to stand for it all the way, not halfway.” – Kevin Gates
“I adapt and I adjust to whatever environment I’m in.” – Kevin Gates
“Glory be and praise to God. I didn’t do any of this. God did. I don’t have a recipe or a blueprint. I prayed for it, and my prayers are continuing to be answered.” – Kevin Gates
Did you get inspired by these Kevin Gates quotes?
Kevin Gates grew up in the notorious city of Baton Rouge. His life was tough, and he took on many different jobs to make ends meet. He got involved in crime, sold drugs, and eventually did time in prison.
While there he started to write down his thoughts and has now come full circle, releasing albums and touring the world. Kevin Gates inspirational quotes about love, life, and loyalty have made him popular with fans, who relate to his early struggles.
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