Are you looking for Kurt Cobain Quotes about love, life, music, and death? Check out our amazing collection for this.
Who is Kurt Cobain?
Kurt Donald Cobain was born on February 20, 1967, in Aberdeen, Washington was an American singer-songwriter and musician. He was the guitarist, primary songwriter and frontman of the rock band Nirvana.
In 1987, he formed the band Nirvana with Krist Novoselic and Aaron Burckhard and established it as part of the Seattle music scene which later became known as grunge.

As a child, Cobain was very interested in music. He also had a younger sister from whom he gets separated due to their parent’s divorce. At age 9, he then started living with his father who eventually remarried, and this cause more strain in their relationship.
In his last years, Cobain struggled with addiction to heroin and chronic health problems such as depression. He also struggled with his marriage to musician Courtney Love. In March 1994, Cobain overdosed on a combination of champagne and Rohypnol. After this incident, he underwent a detox program.
On April 8, 1994, Kurt Cobain was found dead at his home in Seattle at the age of 27; police mentioned that he had died on April 5 from a self-inflicted shotgun wound to the head.
Kurt Cobain was a brilliant artist and one of the most influential American musicians. He was and will forever be an inspiration to musicians everywhere for his talent, passion, and belief in freedom through music.
Cobain has left us with the gift of his songs. If you are a Kurt Cobain fan and a musician, then Kurt Cobain Quotes about Love will ignite your passion for music.
Best Kurt Cobain Quotes about Love and Life
“I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.”
― Kurt Cobain
“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are”
― Kurt Cobain
“Nobody dies a virgin… Life fucks us all.”
― Kurt Cobain
“Thank you for the tragedy. I need it for my art.”
― Kurt Cobain
“Birds scream at the top of their lungs in horrified hellish rage every morning at daybreak to warn us all of the truth, but sadly we don’t speak bird.”
― Kurt Cobain

“Practice makes perfect, but nobody’s perfect, so why practice?”
― Kurt Cobain
“The duty of youth is to challenge corruption.”
― Kurt Cobain
“If you’re really a mean person you’re going to come back as a fly and eat poop.”
― Kurt Cobain
“There’s good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much, so much that it makes me feel too fucking sad.”
― Kurt Cobain
“They laugh at me because I’m different; I laugh at them because they’re all the same.”
― Kurt Cobain
Famous Kurt Cobain Quotes About Love

“Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.”
― Kurt Cobain
“I knew I was different. I thought that I might be gay or something because I couldn’t identify with any of the guys at all. None of them liked art or music. They just wanted to fight and get laid. It was many years ago but it gave me this real hatred for the average American macho male.”
― Kurt Cobain
“I was tired of pretending that I was someone else just to get along with people, just for the sake of having friendships.”
― Kurt Cobain
“I’m so happy. Cause today I found my friends.
They’re in my head.”
― Kurt Cobain
“Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self esteem.”
― Kurt Cobain

“There are a lot of things I wish I would have done, instead of just sitting around and complaining about having a boring life.”
― Kurt Cobain
“I am not gay, although I wish I were, just to piss off homophobes.”
― Kurt Cobain
“Friends are nothing but a known enemy”
― Kurt Cobain
“I mean I like to be passionate and sincere but I also like to have fun and act like a dork. Geeks unite.”
― Kurt Cobain
“Rape is one of the most terrible crimes on earth and it happens every few minutes. The problem with groups who deal with rape is that they try to educate women about how to defend themselves. What really needs to be done is teaching men not to rape. Go to the source and start there.”
― Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain Quotes, Phrases and Sayings

“I don’t care what you think unless it is about me.”
― Kurt Cobain
“If you die you’re completely happy and your soul somewhere lives on. I’m not afraid of dying. Total peace after death, becoming someone else is the best hope I’ve got.”
― Kurt Cobain
“I started to be really proud of the fact I was gay even though I wasn’t”
― Kurt Cobain
“The finest day i ever had was when tomorrow never came”
― Kurt Cobain
“If my eyes could show my soul, everyone would cry when they saw me smile.”
― Kurt Cobain

“Rather be dead than cool”
― Kurt Cobain
“I would like to get rid of the homophobes, sexists, and racists in our audience. I know they’re out there and it really bothers me.”
― Kurt Cobain
“If you ever need anything please don’t hesitate to ask someone else first.”
― Kurt Cobain
“Before I die many will die with me and they’ll deserve it. See you in Hell. ”
― Kurt Cobain
“If it’s illegal to rock and roll, then throw my ass in jail.”
― Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain Sad Depression Quotes

“I use bits and pieces of others’ personalities to form my own.”
― Kurt Cobain, Journals
“With the lights out,
It’s less dangerous.
Here we are now,
Entertain us.
I feel stupid,
And contagious.
Here we are now.
Entertain us.”
― Kurt Cobain
“We’re so trendy we can’t even escape ourselves. ”
― kurt cobain
“You can’t buy happiness”
― Kurt Cobain
“Forever in debt to your priceless advice.”
― Kurt Cobain

“I’m worse at what I do best.”
― Kurt Cobain
“dreaming of the person you want to be is wasting the person you already are.”
― Kurt Cobain
“We have no right to express an opinion until we know all of the answers.”
― Kurt Cobain
“Please read my diary, look through my things and figure me out.”
― Kurt Cobain, Journals
“I feel compelled to say fuck you fuck you to those of you who have absolutely no regard for me as a person. You have raped me harder than you’ll ever know. So again I say fuck you although this phrase has totally lost its meaning. FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU.”
― Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain Song Quotes About Music

“It’s better to burn out than to fade away.”
― Kurt Cobain
“Life isn’t nearly as sacred as the appreciation of passion.”
― Kurt Cobain, Journals
“I’m not mad. I’m in a perfectly happy mood, you asshole.”
― Kurt Cobain
“People think of life as being so sacred and they feel like this is their only chance and they have to do something with their life and make an impact As far as I’m concerned, it’s just a pitstop for the afterlife. It’s just a little test to see how you can handle reality.”
― Kurt Cobain
“It’s okay to eat fish because they don’t have any feelings.”
― Kurt Cobain

“All In All Is All We Are”
― Kurt Cobain
“Birds are and always have been reincarnated old men with Tourette’s syndrome having somehow managed to dupe the reproductive saga. They fuck each other and tend to their home repairs and children while never missing their true mission. To scream at the top of their lungs in horrified hellish rage every morning at daybreak to warn us all of the truth. They know the truth. Screaming bloody murder all over the world in our ears, but sadly we don’t speak bird.”
― Kurt Cobain, Journals
“Life is a waste of time and time is a waste of life, so let’s all get wasted and have the time of our lives.”
― Kurt Cobain
“I don’t need to be inspired any longer, just supported.”
― Kurt Cobain, Journals
“Load up our guns
Bring your friends
It’s fun to lose
and to pretend”
― Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain Quotes About Death

“Hi, my name is Kurt Cobain, I’m homosexual, I’m a pagan, I’m a drug abuser, and I like to fuck pot-bellied pigs!”
― Kurt Cobain
“No one is afraid of heights, they’re afraid of falling down. No one is afraid of saying I love you, they’re afraid of the answer…”
― Kurt Cobain
“Drugs are bad for you. They will fuck you up.”
― Kurt Cobain
“My heart is broke, but I have some glue, help me inhale and mend it with you.”
― Kurt Cobain

“No True Talent is fully organic. Yet the superior talented have not only control of study but that extra special, little gift at birth–fueled by passion.A built in, totally spiritual, unexplainable, New Age,fuckin cosmic energy bursting love for passion. And yes,they are an even smaller percent amongst the small percent. And they are special!”
― Kurt Cobain
“If you read, you’ll judge.”
― Kurt Cobain
“Punk is musical freedom. It’s saying, doing and playing what you want. In Webster’s terms, ‘nirvana’ means freedom from pain, suffering and the external world, and that’s pretty close to my definition of Punk Rock.”
― Kurt Cobain
“I’m not like them
But I can pretend”
― Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain Gay Quotes

“I just hope I don’t become so blissful I become boring. I think I’ll always be neurotic enough to do something weird.”
― Kurt Cobain
“The sun is gone, but I have a light.”
― Kurt Cobain
“I really haven’t had that exciting of a life. There are a lot of things I wish I would have done, instead of just sitting around and complaining about having a boring life. So I pretty much like to make it up. I’d rather tell a story about somebody else.”
― Kurt Cobain, Journals
“Believe everything you read”
― Kurt Cobain

“I’m on my time with everyone.”
― Kurt Cobain
“Punk rock should mean freedom, liking and excepting anything that you like. Playing whatever you want. As sloppy as you want. As long as it’s good and it has passion.”
― Kurt Cobain
“I would love to be erased from our association with Pearl Jam or the Nymphs and other first time offenders.”
― Kurt Cobain, Journals
“Art is sacred.
Punk rock is freedom.
Expression and the right to express is vital.
Anyone can be artistic.”
― Kurt Cobain, Journals
Kurt Cobain Inspirational and Motivational Quotes

“I never went out of my way to say anything about my drug use. I tried to hide it as long as I could. The main reason was that I didn’t want some 15-year-old kid who likes our band to think it’s cool to do heroin, you know? I think people who glamorize drugs are fucking assholes and, if there’s a hell, they’ll go there.”
― Kurt Cobain, Nirvana
“Words suck. I mean, everything has been said. I can’t remember the last really interesting conversation I’ve had in a long time. Words aren’t as important as the energy derived from music, especially live.”
― Kurt Cobain, Journals
“I feel this society somewhere has lost its sense of what art is. Art is expression. In expression, you need 100% full freedom, and our freedom to express our art is seriously being fucked with. Fuck, the word ‘fuck’ has many connotations as does the word ‘art’.”
― Kurt Cobain, Journals
“To be positive at all times is to ignore all that is important, sacred and valuable. To be negative at all times is to be threatened by ridiculousness and instant discreditably.”
― Kurt Cobain

“I am not well read, but when I do read, I read well.”
― Kurt Cobain
“Still never had any friends because I hate everyone for they were so phony.”
― Kurt Cobain
Nirvana Quotes About Love and Life

“I have met many minds able to store and translate a pregnantly large amount of information, yet they haven’t an ounce of talent for wisdom or the appreciation of passion.”
― Kurt Cobain
“Music is energy. A mood, atmosphere. Feeling.”
― Kurt Cobain
“Come as you are. As you were. As I want you to be.”
― Kurt Cobain, Nirvana
“Do your own thing. Others own their own thing. If you copy too much, you’ll find yourself in late-night cocktail lounge cover band limbo.”
― Kurt Cobain, Journals

“And I do, god, how I do love playing live, it’s the most primal form of energy release you can share with other people besides having sex or taking drugs. So if you see a good live show on drugs and then later that evening have sex, you’re basically covered all the bases of energy release, and we all need to let off steam. It’s easier and safer than protesting abortion clinics or praising God or wanting to hurt your brother; so go to a show, dance around a bit, and copulate.”
― Kurt Cobain, Journals
“It’s my fault but the most violating thing I’ve felt this year is not the media exaggerations or the catchy gossip, but the rape of my personal thoughts.”
― Kurt Cobain, Journals
“The worst crime is faking it”
― Kurt Cobain
Best Nirvana Song Lyrics Quotes

“I decided that in order to become a big famous rock star, I would need to write my very own songs instead of wasting my time learning other people’s music too much. It may act as an obstruction in developing your very own personal style.”
― Kurt Cobain, Journals
“Look on the bright side, suicide
Lost eyesight I’m on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and/or sleeping
Protector of the kennel
Ecto-plasma, Ecto-skeletal
Obituary birthday
Your scent is still here in my place of recovery!” ~”
― Kurt Cobain
“She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak, I’ve been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks.”
― Nirvana
“Where do bad folks go when they die?
They don’t go to Heaven where the angels fly
They go to the lake of fire and fry
Won’t see ’em again ’til the Fourth of July”
― Nirvana

“I like the comfort in knowing that women are generally superior and naturally less violent than men. I like the comfort in knowing that women are the only future in rock and roll.”
― Kurt Cobain, Journals
“I’m so ugly but that’s ok cuz so are you.”
― Nirvana
“I’m worse at what I do best. And for this gift, I feel blessed.”
― Kurt Cobain

Which One Was Your Favorite Kurt Cobain quotes about love?
Did any of Kurt Cobain’s quotes about love make you think about your own perspective in life, love, and music? He may no longer with us but his words and songs will remain with us forever. Ma we all find peace in music just like he did.
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