We all know and may have also experience that words have the power to touch our soul. So we hope, these beautiful soulful quotes about love and life will touch your heart and soul.
These quotes are written by a writer who doesn’t want to reveal her name and uses Soul Writer as her pen name. Let’s read a few things about the writer before going through her work.
Soul Writer is a new writer who brings out the soul in her writings. Through her works, she tries to dig out the emotions hidden deep within her. The writing was never in her hobby list. But when she started, it has become her passion. She writes about anything and everything that touches her heart. Her first poem bloomed in her mind quite accidentally. And it has become her all-time favorite too. Later she wrote many one-liners, quotes, and short poems.
The main attraction of her writings is it’s simplicity. So that even a non-English speaker never finds it difficult to understand it. We can unfold a mixture of emotions from her writings. She is a multifaceted young writer who wishes to discover the versatility of being a writer.
By career, she is a statistician playing with data. She enjoys both being a writer and a statistician. She is a young soul wishing to discover more and more in her life.
Here are the Beautiful Soulful Quotes about Love and Life by Soul Writer.
1. I knew that you will never be mine
But I still want to hold you tight
I knew that you will never be mine
But I still want to kiss you more
I knew that you will never be mine
But I still want to follow you. — Soul Writer
2. Darkness gives birth to the urge to find the light. — Soul Writer
3. Let me paint life with the color of your lips.
Let me paint love with the color of my blood. — Soul Writer

4. Life is all about sacrifice.
Sacrificing your time and happiness for your loved ones. — Soul Writer
5. Life is a journey that we all start alone.
Each of us takes different paths.
We meet new people, learn new lessons.
We fall and rise many times.
We gain and lose.
Some reach the top of the mountain, while some falls in the pit.
But as we come to the end of our journey we all reach where we’ve started. — Soul Writer
6. I’m in love with my pain.
The pain that inspired me to move forward.
The pain that helped me to recognize my strength.
The pain that detached all fears from my heart. — Soul Writer

7. Learn to rise with the fear of losing.
Learn to fight for the peace of mind.
Learn to shine without being loved.
Learn, to be your master. — Soul Writer
8. The fragrance of love once filled in my heart is no more.
Only the gnarled thorns are left behind. — Soul Writer
9. It’s better to accept your faults than correcting others’. — Soul Writer

10. It’s hard to forgive someone who has ripped your heart with the knife of deception. — Soul Writer
Soulful Quotes about Love for Him
11. I have a friend called ‘loneliness’ who never leaves my side.
The more I get to know him the more I started liking him. — Soul Writer
12. Love is the light that lights up your life.
But too much of it can hurt your eyes and make you blind. — Soul Writer

13. In my silence
I heard the voice of my heart
dhak dhak dhak
Was it just
making some noise?
Or Is it really trying to tell me something? — Soul Writer
14. Everything happens for a reason
And sometimes you will never get to know the real reason hidden behind all those messes happening in your life.
But still, you should never lose hope in yourself. — Soul Writer
15. Nothing can hurt me anymore.
Even your sharp-edged sword failed to do it. — Soul Writer

16. Can you tolerate those lies?
The one you trust the most often buries you in the tomb of lies. — Soul Writer
17. Say hello to your problems
And Say bye to your laziness. — Soul Writer
18. Amidst the stars
I saw a beautiful lady
Hiding behind the clouds
Shining bright with a smile
Her elegance humiliated even the queens of heaven. — Soul Writer

19. The sky and the sea never meet.
They seem to be very close but they are miles apart…
Sometimes, they even have the same color
but they are never the same.
Some relationships are like this.
Even if they seem to be very fine from outside
Their hearts never meet. — Soul Writer
20. Life continues to test you.
Because it has to make you stronger. — Soul Writer
Soulful Quotes about Love
21. It’s quite rare to find gold coins in the garbage.
But, the one who finds it is the real winner. — Soul Writer

22. Don’t know how long this path will be…
And, I don’t care how long it will be
because you’re beside me. — Soul Writer
23. Everything changed
And Everyone changed too.
But my love for you will never change. — Soul Writer
24. We can’t choose the time of our death…
But we can choose our actions in life. — Soul Writer

25. I fell down many times.
But you were always there to raise me.
You dressed my wounds
and helped me to walk again.
When I started running
you slowly took your hands from me
and clapped until I reached my goal. — Soul Writer
26. Keep burning the fire in your heart.
Others think that you’ll turn into ashes.
But, you are a real phoenix
that reborn in fire. — Soul Writer
27. Rain makes me forget the dryness of my life.
And, refreshes me with its coolness. — Soul Writer

28. I believe writing can extract every emotion hidden deep within us. — Soul Writer
29. Darkness is that friend who embraces me when everyone leaves. — Soul Writer
30. Our hearts are connected with the strings of love and trust.
Even a small break on them can destroy the relationship. — Soul Writer

Beautiful Soulful Quotes
31. When you feel like you’ve lost everything.
Just look into the sky.
His grace will lift you up. — Soul Writer
32. I wasn’t aware that your love was only for my money…
I wasn’t aware that I was just a toy for you…
I only knew that I was madly in love with you. — Soul Writer
33. In the lap of nature
I see heaven’s beauty
In the lap of nature
I get the ultimate peace
In the lap of nature
I feel the love of God. — Soul Writer

34. The memories we make will not die even when we take our last breath.
It is still alive in the heart of our loved ones. — Soul Writer
35. The heart beats for your love and endless kisses.
The mind wishes for our eternal love. — Soul Writer
36. Crying helps when
you want to throw away
all the painful memories filled in your mind.
It cleanse your heart like a sanitizer. — Soul Writer

37. We must not forget
the people who helped us
during our difficult times…
They are the real assets of our life. — Soul Writer
38. Don’t let anyone control you.
You are your master and your slave. — Soul Writer
39. Never quench the thirst for learning new things.
It sharpens your brain and boosts your confidence. — Soul Writer

40. Often bad memories stay longer with us than good ones. — Soul Writer
Deep Soulmate Quotes for the People in Love
41. The feeling of being alone even when surrounded by people is the worst. — Soul Writer
42. The more you think about what you’ve lost.
The more it hurts you.
But sometimes, losing is good.
Because it motivates you to gain more. — Soul Writer

43. To enjoy the music of life
you have to hear the voice
of your heart.
People beside you
will try to make a lot of noise.
But you must only feel
the rhythm of your heart. — Soul Writer
44. I would rather
prefer a façade
for all those fake ones. — Soul Writer
45. Don’t just say that you love her.
Feel it in your heart.
Love is more than just a word,
it is an emotion shared between two hearts. — Soul Writer

46. It’s better to forgive others.
Keeping hatred in our hearts can make us sick, both mentally and physically. — Soul Writer
47. Everyone can fly but we’ve to decide whether to be an eagle or a hen. — Soul Writer
48. I write about my happiness.
I write to untie my thoughts
that await for being expressed.
I choose writing over everything
because nothing gives me more satisfaction. — Soul Writer

49. You will have to experience a lot in this life.
Whether it is good or bad.
Whether it makes you cry or laugh.
Never step back.
Because all of these make you who you are. — Soul Writer
50. Rowing between the problems and
its solutions, I learned that
the solution to every problem
is hidden in itself.
All we need is to have
a desire to solve it. — Soul Writer
Soulful Quotes of Inspiration
51. The fear of losing someone
who is so special can haunt you.
But how long can we live
with this fear.
We can’t hold anyone.
People come and go.
All we have to do is
to live the way the life wants us to. — Soul Writer

52. They tied her to rules but
failed to bind her dignity. — Soul Writer
53. History speaks of
the stories
of women who
their weakness
into a real weapons. — Soul Writer
54. Sunsets are reminders
of how even the
magnificent sun gives
moon a chance to shine.
In our life too we should
never hesitate to give
others a chance. — Soul Writer

55. Best moments are
always of short span.
But it’s memories lives
in our heart till our end. — Soul Writer
56. To be someone’s light
when they lose
all hope in their life
is the kindest act that we can do. — Soul Writer
57. I glow like the moon in the dark sky.
But no one knew it is you who make me shine. — Soul Writer

58. Darkness is not bad
It gives you the light of insight.
May be at some point of our life,
darkness rules our mind.
The people who helps us to
overcome this phase of our life
are the real gems. — Soul Writer
59. The pain won’t leave you
because it is chained to your heart. — Soul Writer
60. Hopes act as fireflies.
They illuminate our lives
when it is filled with despair. — Soul Writer

Soulful Quotes about Life
61. I feel like writing every time
I see you
I feel like writing every time
I hear you
I feel like writing every time
I touch you
I wish I could never stop writing. — Soul Writer
62. Promise me that
Your precious kisses are mine
Promise me that
Your long cuddles are mine
Promise me that
Your lovely heart is mine — Soul Writer
63. Your lips are my sweet candy
Your neck is my kissing ground
Your shoulder is my resting place
Your smell is my perfume
Your hands always hold me tight
I wish tonight never ends. — Soul Writer
64. Loving is all about giving yourself, to the one you love. — Soul Writer
65. Life is a sum of Ups and downs
All you have to do is Love yourself — Soul Writer
Which of these Beautiful Soulful Quotes about Love and Life was your favorite?
Words are magic. We believe in it totally that’s why we choose to spread this in the world. We hope that these Beautiful Soulful Quotes about Love and Life will make your heart full of joy and love. And also reminds you of some bittersweet memories of your past.
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