We all live daily very stressful life and go through so many things which create so much heavy stuff inside us. At one time, we need to empty ourselves in a way or another. So, writing is one of the best ways to do that.
Some people write a daily journal, some write quotes or some pour themselves on paper in the form of poetry.
We are sharing today some Deep Poems About Love and Pain by Meghana Dumpala. But before going through her work, let’s find out a few things about Meghana Dumpala.
Meghana Dumpala is a UG student, persuading her dental course at Sri Sai Dental College and research institution at Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh. She solely believes that one’s writings can reach out to readers only when they write from their hearts, which was felt by them. She has a passion for writing. She expresses her feelings through her writings. She personally feels that one can write when they feel it from the core of their own heart, if not they will be some random words on a piece of paper.
She believes that everyone can write, only that they should pick the words correctly so that they can be caught in the eyes of the reader. She hopes that her writings would put you at ease while reading them or bring back your forgotten memories because sometimes even those forgotten memories might also bring that beautiful smile on your lips.
50 Deep Poems About Love and Pain by Meghana Dumpala
1. “And her tears
Melted down her cheeks
As her helpless cries faded
And the wild howlings of the demons took over the silent night.” — Meghana Dumpala
2. “The fear of loosing you
Steal my sleep,
The happiness of your presence
Makes my day,
The way you care for me
Makes me lazy,
The love you show on me
Keeps me alive.” — Meghana Dumpala
3. “What I lost
I lost everything
Hope in you” — Meghana Dumpala
4. “You are a Christmas star
I’m a Christmas gift
When we both meet
We become a Christmas Eve ” — Meghana Dumpala
5. “You are the light
In my darkness,
You are the hope
In my loss,
You are the one
I want,
For the rest of my life.” — Meghana Dumpala

6. “I want to be Alone,
In my Alone world,
Till my Alone heart,
Stop feeling Alone.” — Meghana Dumpala
7. “You are the one
Who cherished my joy
You are the one
Who discovered my hidden secrets
You are the one
Who enlightened my life
You are the one
Who would cope up with my mood swings
You are none other than
My better half.” — Meghana Dumpala
8. “Life can be messy sometimes
But what’s life without a mess.
It’s from that mess
we clean our inner self and create a new us,” — Meghana Dumpala

9. “Indulging in the
The Flavor of Love.” — Meghana Dumpala
10. “Every day,
Hope spiral in my mind
Like sunrise,
And it whittles away
Like sunset,
But It never gives up.” — Meghana Dumpala
Deep Poems About Love and Pain and Trust
11. “In the world of imperfection,
I’m an imperfect girl
Who thinks ” I’m not imperfect
With imperfect talents,
Dreaming about a
” PERFECT ” future.” — Meghana Dumpala

12. “Not understanding every little thing in this pretty big wide world
Few things are better to be not understood.” — Meghana Dumpala
13. “In my agony
Her blushing face
Her soothing voice
Her faint scent
Ease my heart.” — Meghana Dumpala
14. “Moon becomes my muse when
Others are the cause
For my shattered paradise.” — Meghana Dumpala

15. “Moon is FULL
just like
My life is full
With YOU.” — Meghana Dumpala
16. “The night passes like
Guilty past.
It cannot be renovated,
But it can be replayed in our memories.” — Meghana Dumpala
17. “I like the dark. It makes me
Learn my fears,
Learn who I am
And more importantly,
It makes me strong despite showing me my own flaws.” — Meghana Dumpala

18. “Now that you are here,
Stay with me forever.” — Meghana Dumpala
19. “Winter felt colder,
Autumn filled with sadness,
Spring felt more lonely,
But summer filled with your memories,
Because You are my
“SUMMER LOVE”.” — Meghana Dumpala
20. “Like the night endures
Absence of moon
I started
Enduring your absence.” — Meghana Dumpala

Sad and Deep Poems About Love and Pain
21. “I sink into the night
And swim in the dark
Coz in the world of the light
Many have souls of the dark.” — Meghana Dumpala
22. “Nights are filled with darkness.
Darkness cause fear.
Fear awakens one’s evil.
Evil is loath to overcome lovable heart.
Heart of one’s have a virtuous light.
Light which slowly enlightens one’s life.” — Meghana Dumpala
23. “My loath to loose
Someone close
To me
Everyday kills me.” — Meghana Dumpala

24. “Hear me once again,
On this dark night,
To my hopeless heart,
Bleeding With deep scars,
Embedded with seeds of sorrow,
Hear me once again,
Can you?” — Meghana Dumpala
We all are struggling,
Even though we smile,
We enjoy the present,
We dream about a beautiful future,
We experience love,
We share our happiness,
We laugh out loud,
But deep inside,
We cry silently,
Without giving a hint,
We all are struggling.” — Meghana Dumpala
26. “It’s only in the past
Where most of us spend our thoughts,
Thinking about what ifs,
Recapping our spent days,
Experiencing our emotions once again,
Regretting our mistakes,
Instead of living the present
And making it memorable,
It’s only in the past,
We live the most.” — Meghana Dumpala

Among the talented ones
With their own special talents,
Wondering what is
My purpose of life,
Wondering what is
My own uniqueness,
Wondering when will
I reach my destination
I’m meant to be….
Wondering where will
I be after few years,
Wondering who will stay
And who will leave,
Wondering what would my life be like,
If I stay the way I am?
I’m the lone standing tree.” — Meghana Dumpala
Walking on the winter roads
In the snow-filled streets
Wearing my red sweater on
Waiting on the winter roads
Under the snow-filled umbrella
Wondering if we have anything in common
Wandering in your warm thoughts
In the frosty winter breeze
Wishing your presence in person
Whipping off by the icy winds
In the chilly winter nights
Wondering if you’ll ever meet me in person
Wilting off in the cold winter
I saw you in the snow-filled streets
Wearing the same red sweater on” — Meghana Dumpala
Every place I go
Is more scarier than the one before
Every person I meet
Is more cruel than the one before
Every day I live
Is more harder than the day before
I just wish there is a place called home
Where I can stay safe, feel warm, and rest for a bit.” — Meghana Dumpala

I never asked for any of these
This pain
These complications
This grief
These hard times
I never asked for anyone of these
But they are just coming towards me
Like some pile of iron towards magnet
And it hurts….
It hurts almost everywhere.
I just wanted a simple life
With peaceful mind
And clear memories….
But God just don’t agree with me
And he makes it entangled with more and more new problems…..
And it hurts….
It hurts soo much.” — Meghana Dumpala
Short Deep Poems About Love and Pain
I always wonder how
Our life changes from
A bright sunny day to
A dark cloudy day
Without our knowledge…..
And we suddenly realize it’s raining,
It’s raining so heavily and then
We realize we don’t have any shelter.
We feel the forceful raindrops
Striking through us,
And our own breath feels heavy,
And slowly our body stops feeling them…
But our soul forever feels the agony.” — Meghana Dumpala
32. “Dear hope,
Don’t give up on me
Just because I’m broken.
I might be a broken soul,
But I do know how to take care of things
In my own way.
So please hold on to me
I’m sure you will never regret it.
So please don’t give up on me
Like others do.
Because you know you are the last hope
For this broken soul.” — Meghana Dumpala

I bloom every morning
Of the winters
To the song of the nightingale
Waiting for her lover
To the howls of the wolf
Missing her lover
To the wilted sunflower
Crying for her lover
To the dance of the tree
Grieving her lover
And I wilt in the evening
With the sorrowful love
Embracing in my heart.” — Meghana Dumpala
He rose like a guardian angel
Like a sun in my life
He shone like a bright light
Like the sun in the morning
He had been there with me
In thick and thins
But now he need to leave
Like a sun at dawn
But he promised
He will always shine in my life
Like a first snowfall
Like a monsoon breeze
Like sunshine over me
Enlighting me all-over
Because he is my guardian angel.” — Meghana Dumpala
35. “The night saves me from
Disguised beasts
Who acts in front
And stab at back.
The monsters
Who search for happiness
In other’s torments.” — Meghana Dumpala

Everyone is a moon
Who light ups
Someone’s life
At the most
Crucial period
When their feelings
Are at the edge
They shine like
A bright moon
In a hopeless
Dark night.” — Meghana Dumpala
All I ever dreamt
Is to have a life
Made of
Endless roads
Filled with
Cherry blossoms
To have a life
Made of
Endless sky
Filled with
Twinkling stars
To have a life
Made of
Carefree decisions
Filled with
Spunky adventures
To have a life
Made of
Free will
Filled with
Magical moments
All I ever
Dreamt is
To be a
FREE SOUL” — Meghana Dumpala
When I first saw you
Everything stopped for a while
My heartbeat raised to a mile
You stole my heart
With your dazzling eyes
Where your memories lay
Your cozy smile
Your inviting fragrance
Your soothing voice
Made me
Indulge in you
When you are not around
Everything feels heart-rending
And shatters my whole paradise
You are the reason
For my blissful fairyland
Filled with delightful you
Your funny talks
Your crazy deeds
Your tendering favors
Made me
Obsessed with you
Because you are my
SECRET CRUSH” — Meghana Dumpala

Today I blossomed
With refreshing thoughts
Thoughts which bring in
The cherry blossoms
On the autumn streets
Which fills in
Strawberry sweetness
Instead of bitter tastes
Which engraves
Paradise of love
Inplace of shattered dreams
Today is the day
To replenish all my life
With sprouting seeds of
Hope, enthusiasm, and happiness.” — Meghana Dumpala
40. “Oh! My Almighty
When I said
I was going to pass this
Bridge of Hurdles
Filled with Impossibilities
They said I can’t pass through it
They said I might fall into
The depth of the blues
And suffer from melancholy
Lying under this bridge
But what they don’t know is that
You are the one guiding me
Through this journey
And there will be no conquering of evils
When you are with me.” — Meghana Dumpala
Sad Poetry about Love, Life, and Pain
Love at first sight
Was a big fat joke and child’s play
Until I saw you
On the very first day
Always and forever
Were just some random words
Until I met you
And got along with you
Eternal love
Was just an emotion from novels
Until I experienced it
Because of you
But these feelings
Are meant to take to my grave with me
Because deep inside I knew
It was only me who felt it.” — Meghana Dumpala

I’m on the
Land of happiness
Spreading my wings
Trying to reach
The highest peak
Where I can see
The view enjoyed
By the eagle eyes
I learnt to walk
I learnt to run
Now I’m going to
Learn how to fly
I’m at the
Highest peak
But I want to reach
The cosy clouds
Where I can Have a nap
Make some cotton candy
And play with a snowman made out of clouds
Like a fairytale character
I learnt to dream
I learnt to never give up
And now
I’m flying high.” — Meghana Dumpala
43. “It’s not the dead
or people who left us in middle
make us feel miserable,
It’s the feeling
to be alone and spend our life
without that person
kills us from inside.” — Meghana Dumpala
Never did I ever thought
You would leave so suddenly
With you gone from my life
My dreams shattered like a broken glass
Now that you are forever gone
My every season filled with monsoons
My heart became cold as ice
My eyes filled with endless oceans
My life filled with infinite melancholy
I wonder always and every day
Whether these feelings ever leave me
And whether will I ever let you go
From my tangled thoughts.” — Meghana Dumpala

Walking on a monsoon street
With fog-filled roads
Remembering my love
And his cozy cuddles
Smiling as I’m walking
And suddenly appeared a man
Standing at the corner of the street
Approaching as I’m walking ahead
Face covered with his hat
And collar of his coat
Hidden in the dark shadows
As I passed him
Chills passed down
From my neck to the bottom of my spine
As I started walking away from him
He unknowingly disappeared
Into the thin air.” — Meghana Dumpala
Ignored by others
I learnt how to embrace myself
In a way, no other person can
I learnt how to keep my mind
As clear as day
Acknowledged by myself
The inner me felt blissful
At the same time thankful
As there will be no one
To criticize her
Pampering myself
Made me love myself
And feel proud of myself
Because now I’m an independent soul
Raised to be happy
Thanks to you
Now I know what I truly worth
How to live freely with no borders
And learnt how to climb the ladder
Straight to heaven.” — Meghana Dumpala
Lost in the woods of gender bias
She wandered around with bare feet
Thorns stuck in her feet
Stones cut deep into her skin
Wild animals were looking at her
With hunger thriving in their eyes
The woods are deep and scary
There is darkness all around
Filled with fogy mist
Making her vision unclear
Werewolves howlings are heard
far across the distance
Though she suffered in the woods
Though her vision was not clear
She believed in herself
And found the light out of her hope
She fought the darkness and found a way
Out of the woods with her courage.” — Meghana Dumpala

48. “You are my
but you already
found your own
Earth.” — Meghana Dumpala
To love is
To share
And tell eachother “I’ll always be there for you”
To love is
To hold hands
And tell eachother “I’ll never let go of your hand”
To love is
To care
And tell eachother ” you are my first child”
To love is
To connect
With eachother’s soul and body.” — Meghana Dumpala
I was walking along the beach
Thinking about the times
When we were together and happy
I was walking along the beach
Thinking about the moments
When we were warm and cozy
I love the way
You gaze at me
With your
Dazzling eyes
I love the way
You call my name
With your
Soothing voice
I was walking along the beach
Thinking about the past
When we were so in love
I was walking along the beach
Thinking about the memories
You left before you left
But now when I
See around me
I watch myself
Drowning in agony
Suffocating myself
With all your memories
I watch myself
Becoming cold and bitter
I was walking along the beach
All myself with the heavy steps
With bleeding heart
I was walking along the beach
All alone on the endless shore
With hopeless thoughts
I was walking along the beach
Hoping for you to return
Knowing you would never come.” — Meghana Dumpala
Which of these Deep Poems About Love and Pain was your favorite?
Sometimes love involves pain and loss. Whether it can the person or a relationship. Pain is not any less in either case. Still finding the words with which we can relate to relieving some of the pain we are holding onto. We hope that these Deep Poems About Love and Pain will give your damaged heart a relief and inspire you to see this world differently.
Do share your thoughts with us in the comment section and tell us which one was your favorite or if you want to ask any questions or have any query send it via Contact Us
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